Pítsugerðin ehf.


English below

Við erum að leita eftir metnaðarfullum einstakling til þess að taka slaginn með okkur í sumar á Pítsugerðinni

Pítsugerðin leitar eftir áhugasömum pítsabakara til þess að vinna hjá okkur í sumar.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð

Vinna á veitingastaðnum
Sinna daglegum þrifum og viðhalda gæðum
Vera skapandi í hugsun og óhræddur að koma með nýjar hugmyndir
Viðhalda og framfylgja metnaði í starfi
Undirbúningur á hráefni fyrir daginn
Við borgum eftir kjarasamaningi Drífanda og SA.

We are looking to hire master pizza bakers and bakers with good experience.

We are a pizzeria and we offer Italian-style pizza with toppings that suit our customer's demands.
Our focus has always been to have a strong foundation for the Doug, the sauce, and toppings, so we would instead buy more expensive good quality products rather than cheaper options.

The dough - We use imported flour 2 types from Italy, olive oil, salt, and water, and the dough slowly ferments for min 24 hours - 48 hours.

The sauce - We use San Marzano tomatoes, Basil, salt, and olive oil.

The toppings - we buy the best products that we have access to sausages, fresh burrata, and mozzarella and we have imported fresh truffles when the season is.

We need someone that knows what they are doing and can deliver our standard of service.

Our schedule is 12-hour shifts in a 2-2-3 format
So for example Monday and Tuesday from 9:00-21:00 you are off Wednesday and Thursday and from Friday-Sunday 9:00-21:00
The next week you are working the opposite off Monday and Tuesday working 9-21 on Wednesday and Thursday and off the whole weekend.
And if someone wants to take a whole week to travel around then we can always change the schedule for that week.

We can help provide housing and salaries are paid by collect agreement Drifanda and SA.

You can check us out by searching for Pítsugerðin on Facebook and Instagram and Google our island Vestmannaeyjar.
Please apply before 18.03.23 by filling in an online application here: www.vinnumalastofnun.is/eures and put "230203-01" in fhe field for employer

For more info, you can send an email to veislur@gott.is labeled Pizzabaker



Starf nr.: 230118-13

Skráð á vefinn: 18.01.2023

Stöðugildi: 6

Starfshlutfall: 100%

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